I like this form of voice demo, it's a clever little setup. I mean, on a professional level it's probably wrong, but fuck it, I liked it.
Although admittedly, if you do have multiple voices, they definitely weren't given enough time in this piece. You should probably shoot for equal ratios of talking in each voice type that you do, even if that's only a few voices.
However, on a vocabulary score, you get 10/10 for using the word "sextastifabulicious". I seriously love that word.
Your talking voice is good, your RAAAGE voice, to my ears, does need more work, anger, and energy. I mean no offense by that, also I didn't really get to hear enough of it to feel like I could give an accurate opinion. But when you do go at it, be careful with your input volume so you don't accidentally cause audio clipping, that annoying crackled distortion.
Tough guy voice I also didn't get to listen to enough to tell if I liked it or not, but from the brief second I heard, it seemed decent.
This is all just my opinion though, I'm an amateur myself so I could be all wrong, but I figured I'd drop a review because they're pretty infrequent to get on here, and it's nice to at least have a glimpse of what other folks think of it.