Get it? Stick around, go figure? Stick figure? I wonder if I should change the title because it comes off as another post about leaving or not leaving Newgrounds.
Slow news week from me on the VA front, folks. Don't bug me any, this is really kinda just a fun little hobby for me, it's an amazing honor I get as much attention as I do for it.
Hey, The Forgotten Legion just aired its second episode on here, and I have to say, it's really stellar quality that's had a lot of time and effort put into it. The atmosphere is delicious, so be sure to pause your blues when you watch it. Hard, I know. Hard indeed.

I'm always trying to promote doing action and drama and not just comedy in amateur animation because it's what I really love to watch, and it's interesting to see that stick figures, despite their mixed reputation, are kinda one of the longest standing heroes of this agenda. Sprites I suppose are a blacker sheep I won't discuss here. What might you all reckon about action and drama in variants of animation often viewed as inferior, like stick figures, machinima, sprites and such? Any good examples out there?
And don't forget to accept your invitation to bitch about the redesign so you can say things like "I told you so" and "I was there in the 1850s when we were just pleased to have a front page!"
That's it for this time. Go watch The Sudden Stop, and as always, thank you for listening.