
Gianni Matragrano @Gianni

Age 31, Male

Voice actor.

Ottawa 🍁

Joined on 10/9/09

Exp Points:
1,230 / 1,350
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Vote Power:
5.32 votes
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Town Watch
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B/P Bonus:
9y 6m 26d


Pah. I don`t need your blessing. Your newfangled gods are weak, boy. The Fulp is a sheep commanding the infirm. My gods are the old gods, and they are strong and cruel. My gods are the Watchers. The Voters. The Commenters. The dread Trolls. Your Admins may grant you petty power over the frontpage journal section, and they may even have the ability to ban users, but mine lurk in the hearts of every Newgrounder and through them enact their will. Tremble. Pray to your sad little dieties. Then dispair when they don`t answer.


What?! I just keep reading her spiel, scrolled down... and you just went even more sideways!

I'm glad to know I'm not the craziest person here, what a blessing :) Incidentally, I never learned to type without looking at the keyboard, and Pax and I share gods, it would seem. Cromm is a good god, doesn't give a shit about us, just if we know the riddle of steel, easy peasy.

I must learn its discipline.


That is very sweet of your SirUndead. "The Man From Nowhere" is cool. How about him!
(Foreign film.)

Well go tell HER that! She doesn't get updates about my blog! Never heard of him before, but hot damn what a sexy man.


She's looking for heroes which can sell on a convention floor, but I told her I'd be willing to offer them me waving the painting around in front of my face while I say lines for it, and give them a handjob out back for an additional five dollars.

"Well go tell HER that" i already did before you told me to, dont worry.
I understood your intentions

oh yeah, the movie is free to watch, too, on IMDB. or you can watch it if you got netflix stream subscription

hey you, check your inbox =]

My favorite action movie hero is YOU...

This is gonna be long.

Ughmmhm, SirUndead, people have no idea what me and you have been through together. They think we are just "classic" bestfriends? LOL. NO. you mean so much to mean and I mean so much to you. You have changed my life forever, you've made me smile and laugh at the hardest moments in my life. and when I tried to kill myself you called my dad to take me to the hospital, you were baling your eyes out and you didint sleep that night. I just want you to know that I am so sorry I put you through that I wasint thinking about the people who cared for me like you, your family, my sister, my dad. And I didint think about myaha.

Why would I leave my seven year old sister in this world alone? What example am I setting for her? Well, I didint mean to make you cry I thought nobody cared, but you have always proved me wrong. You are the most brightest person I've ever meet. I'm sorry for all the times I embarress you in public with my obnoxiousness like that one time at jerry bobs that was so funny.

We always have the best moments together, like when we went to Phoenix and we went on all the rides together and that photo where my mouth is open. We send the most ugliest funniest photos of our selves to each other. And the time we went to the fair and I threw up all over the mc Donald's play ground cause I was laughing to hard. And all the selfies we took are unforgettable. You are seriously the best person I have meet. when we grow older I'll be the one to move in with you and pancho. Well, me and my rich hot husband lololololololol #lonerforever

Ahahaha, man, I miss you so much there is never a dull moment that we have with each other. Like neverrrrr. We laugh at the most random things we mostly laugh at the people we see at walmart thoo

Heh, you're really a whole new breed of spammer. I, emotionally, am baffled as to how I should react. Outrage? Cold deletion and ban? A silent nod in your direction? Or perhaps I should just do nothing and continue to drink on it as I have. Yes. This sounds about right.

Fuck Sirundead has caught on to me...

SirUndead, please tell Pene I think he is a comedian of the highest calibre-- I would tell him myself, but looking at his userpage it seems he holds penis in very high esteem. I could don the ten-inch long strapon I have in my bottom drawer, but I dont even think the huge silicone balls at the base of that battering ram would give me the courage to speak to him. I`m frightened I`ll die and he won`t even know I existed. So please. Please. Tell him I...
Tell him I think I love him.

You know, pound for pound, this is probably the least productive comment chain a post of mine has ever spawned in terms of raw efficiency in what it does for me versus time spent replying to people. Last time I make a post on your behalf. Go beg the Newgods for the power to abandon your abandoner, rubberdick.

@Paxilon Hey I remember you! Paxilon you have changed my life forever and I'll never forget you. Remember that time in 2009 where we threw up in people's faces at Walmart? That was hilarious and remember we found a cure to cancer and then we became billionaires and look at us now!!!! There is never a dull moment I have with you #homiesforlife

Judge Dredd.

Rats, why didn't I think of that?