Ooh, my first ever front page post. I'll try to keep this brief. Hi, I'm SirUndead. I'm on here mostly as a voice actor. For those of you who don't know of me, you may vagely recall me as guy who sounds like cheap knockoff of Batman, guy who sounds like cheap knockoff of Max Payne, or my personal favorite, guy who sounds like cheap knockoff of Spike Spiegel.
For those of you who do know of me, I still have that vocal injury from the August work incident, and it still causes me to be unable to record a lot of days, and at a fraction of my vocal power on days I can record, with sessions not being able to last long at all. Boo hoo. Medical treatment oughtta be soon enough. May, I think.
I'll use this post to plug Police Cops. It ain't perfect, but's pretty slick, so go watch it fella!
Oh, and I'm also going to use it to plug Paxilon, (who's going to make a bad joke about my use of the word "plug" and I can't stop her) whose art is fucking amazing with my favorite gritty stylization out of most of the artists I've seen on the net. I'm not even just saying that because she's the only one who will play Max Payne with me, or created the art I stole for my icon stuff.
Ahhhh, plug jokes, plug jokes---aaah...uhhh....mmmmm, nope, I can`t think of anything. When you say`plug` all I can think of is filling holes with things. Like cracks with a caulking gun. Or a moist, gushing barrel with a hard wooden spigot. I think you give me waaaay too much credit because I can`t find anything funny about the act of filling gaps with plastic nozzles full of white, sticky substances. I`M NOT A COMEDY MACHINE YOU ASSHOLE