Well, for those of you who don't already know, I essentially locked myself in a non-ventilated acidic fume cube when I was staining the bridal room concrete floor at work, doing some damage to my throat and sinuses that didn't really go away for like a month or more. Then, as I was finally getting vocal strength back enough to record again, I came down sick with the local bug which, coincidentally, impacts allergies, sinuses, throat, and nose. I'm still a weak-voiced nasally mucus factory, but I should be over it in the next week or two and recording(procrastinating) again.
I do have a Twitter account now. I didn't know how awesome it was, but I can basically read bullshit posts from people I worship shrines of in my closet, like a lot of the folks here on Newgrounds, or Steve Blum mocking the planet. I haven't done anything with it yet, but maybe later on down the line. I need to actually work on networking one day, but today is not that day.
I don't care at all if you actually show interest or not in my social networking bullshit. Seriously. Fans can do whatever they want. They're like volunteers at work. What am I gonna do, fire them? I'm more interested in seeing what voice work projects I can learn exist or at least hear about thanks to being in the network with other voice actors, animators, lead designers or directors and such.
Although I do wish they'd stop pushing it on me that celebrities use Twitter. I get it. I don't care. I don't care how Kanye West's coffee tasted or what quirky thing Ellen is going to say for moms to quote worldwide. Just- just stop.