
Gianni Matragrano @Gianni

Age 31, Male

Voice actor.

Ottawa 🍁

Joined on 10/9/09

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Suddenly, your attention seems to have shifted my way.

Posted by Gianni - April 15th, 2011

Hello again. Okay, let's say you're an aspiring amateur voice actor like I am. Except, for the sake of your own pride, we won't directly relate you to me. You are merely "of a similar fashion". You want to audition for projects but you don't really know where to go to do that other than the "Voice Actor Wanted" thread here on Newgrounds. Well, I'll show you a couple of places right here.

Voice Acting Club

http://voiceacting.proboards.com/index .cgi?board=general

Voice Acting Alliance

http://voiceactingalliance.com/board/f orumdisplay.php?184-Original-Visual

If you are SEEKING a voice actor and wish to make a thread on these sites, just be sure to follow the posting guidelines or the mods will nag at you for it like a week after you did it wrong when they finally have the time to nag at you for it. But the guidelines are there for good reason. It makes sure that everyone gets equal opportunity to try out, for the most part. Whatever just do it, jeez.

Character Info
Voice Type
Audition Lines
E-mail address to send the lines to
Put the thread in the right section of the forum
Probably something else I'm forgetting, SIMPLY because I'm the one who said follow the rules, I forgot one, but whatever.

These are both very good sites run by cool people, and visited by cool people. You can audition for projects to your heart's content. It's a beautiful little thing the amateur community has going on, so don't be shy, let's hear what you have to say, shall we?

Oh and one more thing, here's a link to my current voice demo, in the off chance you're on my userpage for me.


And for the french Voice Actors or just for producer looking for french VA, you can go on <a href="http://doublagelibre.forumactif.com/">http://doublagelibre.forumactif.com/</a> . Great website, but in french. Logical.

In the Voice Type section, one should give indications regarding both the accent and the range of voice. (High, deep, warm, cold). It's also a good thing to mention if the character's swearing. Some people might be uncomfortable be it. It's rare, but it happens.

Whatever, nobody cares about French people.

I mean--

Ho, and btw, Sir, how come you not to be credited on the work you do? I just saw a new entry, Shinobi Noir - Ch1, with your name mentioned on the comment section. I can see you have not a single flash entry. Why don't you ask for being credit, with your name in the collaborating artist list on the left of the video with the mention "voice". You should ask for it. It'd get you to be known. Your a good VA. You deserve it. :)

I had a really long response here, but I realized it was way too wordy, so I'll just summarize it like this;

Ehh... Fuck it. Now you go back to working on that brilliant series so I can see it on the front page already!

Member me?

Byah that's such an unsettling question, but yes I do. You're that kid I told to take your phone number off your page for your own good. I'm very glad you decided to take that advice.

I sure hope you keep working on your art and stuff though. A lot of people say that sonic recoloring is garbage or whatever, I mean they might be right, but it's still if nothing else a good way to get yourself into things. By all means keep doing what you like to do! Keep practicing, skill and quality will come with time and effort.

It seems so. :D

You're could be a bit of use to me, to be honest! :D

You're young and it's true that your work shows your inexperience, but to be honest the only way to get better is to keep at it, so I'd be more than happy to support you by doing voice work. Besides, it's more practice for me, which is something I know that I myself need much more of.

Send me a message with details whenever!

Hey, I found your reel through TheFabs's news post. Your voice is literally perfect for a character in my disgustingly over-ambitious series. The thing is, he's due to appear in the third episode. All you need to know is that at some point in the far future, I'd like you to play the role. No joke, you're literally exactly what I was looking for. Lucky, hey? I'll make sure to make it to the third episode, now that I'm saying this. Anyway, make sure not to disappear!

Hah, don't worry, I'll t--*poof*

Nice newspost, man!
Also, listened to some of your submissions and they are pretty cool.
That last one made me lol a couple of times :D

Don't thank me, thank the brilliant writer behind that story.

Dude, if the Dishwasher series were to add voices at some point, you'd make Hargreaves even more badass than he is. <a><a href="http://ppgxrrb-fan.deviantart.com/art/D-W-Hargreaves-212274474">http://ppgxrrb-fan.deviantart.com/art /D-W-Hargreaves-212274474</a></a>
That would be a much better reference pic than I can draw. Might have to find a way to stalk James Silva for you... >> *ninja poof*

That game is fucking awesome. If they wanted me to do voice work, I would do it for free. Thanks a lot for the compliment!

Haha, good to know you're one of the few that knows of the Dishwasher series. I've been trying to draw all the characters, but am terrible at the male characters for some reason... And no problem, I'm completely serious when I say you'd make a totally badass Hargreaves. (and still would be a great Duke, should anything happen to the King)

Oh God no. I firmly believe that Jon St. John has been essentially the only reason that the game stayed alive as long as it has. As soon as he's not voicing Duke, the whole series is done. I don't think he can be replaced or impersonated at all.

But very much thank you for the kind words. Your drawings are pretty good to my eyes, but I'm not an expert of any sort. Just keep at it. The one thing I hear the most from successful artists is that they don't have any special trick up their sleeve as to how they create such incredible things, it's just all the time they've put into it that makes them so capable.

Thanks, man. I definitely will keep at it. Even though it's the strangest thing I've had happen to me when drawing. I'm sure you'll get even better at voice acting.

I think I might try voice acting sometime, I've only ever done it for my own cartoons. xD I should give it a try.

BTW, your voice is so deep and awesome. o3o

A big part of the battle is a proper microphone. Then the rest really just comes with practicing, listening, and knowing what voices you can and can't do. That's how to get started anyway.

That being said, I like your drawings, if you ever want me to do voice work for you, let me know.

Haha yeh I animate too. (Used to be OnionsXD btw)
I have about two short cartoons I'm about done with that I"ll submit in a week or two, but after that I'll most likely have some parts for your amazing voice to fill. :D

Oh! Hi Onions. I thought you had quit the site or something. Glad to see that's not entirely true.

Absolutely! I'll be around for voice work.