Ahhhh, plug jokes, plug jokes---aaah...uhhh....mmmmm, nope, I can`t think of anything. When you say`plug` all I can think of is filling holes with things. Like cracks with a caulking gun. Or a moist, gushing barrel with a hard wooden spigot. I think you give me waaaay too much credit because I can`t find anything funny about the act of filling gaps with plastic nozzles full of white, sticky substances. I`M NOT A COMEDY MACHINE YOU ASSHOLE
Ahhhh, plug jokes, plug jokes---aaah...uhhh....mmmmm, nope, I can`t think of anything. When you say`plug` all I can think of is filling holes with things. Like cracks with a caulking gun. Or a moist, gushing barrel with a hard wooden spigot. I think you give me waaaay too much credit because I can`t find anything funny about the act of filling gaps with plastic nozzles full of white, sticky substances. I`M NOT A COMEDY MACHINE YOU ASSHOLE